
Volunteer Minister Stories

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Scientology Volunteer Ministers Use the Technology of Study to Help Others

Here's a great success story written by a Scientology Volunteer Minister about how he helped a man salvage his job using Study Technology.

“I recently ran into a guy who was on the verge of grief and I asked him what was wrong. He told me he was about to get fired, again, and that he didn’t know how he was going to support his wife and two small children. While talking with him I learned he was having trouble running a machine at his work, and that was why he was being fired. Something he said reminded me of a section I’d read in The Technology of Study booklet, so I asked him if he had studied the manual for the machine at his work. He said he’d started reading it, but didn’t finish. At that moment I knew what to do."

He resolved this with the help of the Volunteer Minister, kept his job and kept his family together.

Illiteracy affects people at every level of society. It is an unnecessary hardship when there is effective technology to overcome the problem.

There are Scientology Volunteer Ministers all over the world. If you need help you can contact the Volunteer Minister Coordinator at vm@volunteerministers.org
Read the rest of this story by visiting The Technology of Study web page.

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