
Volunteer Minister Stories

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Scientology Volunteer Ministers Use Assists in All Areas of Life

Millions of people have benefited from the use of assist technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard. These processes help alleviate the effects of physical and emotional trauma and speed recovery. Scientology Volunteer Ministers know that how to use assists to help in all areas of life.

As covered on the Volunteer Ministers web site, assists are techniques developed by L. Ron Hubbard. They operate on the principle that one tends to withdraw mentally or spiritually from an injured area. Only by restoring communication with this area can one bring the spiritual element into healing, thereby greatly speeding the healing process. Assists are used to alleviate stress, or to orient a confused or distraught individual to his present environment.

This amazing information is available to anyone. See the Assist Booklet.

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